Holy Cross Elevation Church

Holy Cross Elevation Church

Published: 08.10.2019 / Section: Heritage sites   Religious objects  

ul. Daszyńskiego 2


Telefon: +48 32 231 44 70


In 1623 Reformati Friars erected a friary and a church here, Baroque in form, dedicated to the Holy Cross. In 1921 the friary was taken over by the Redemptorists. Soon they rebuilt and extended the church. The western side of the body of the church adjoins a four-sided monastery building with an internal patio. On the night 22/23 August 1983 Jan III Sobieski stayed in the monastery on his way to rescue the besieged Vienna.

The temple is run by the Redemptorist Fathers. Since 2015 the church has been a Marian shrine, with an icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, regarded as miraculous.