Building of the former foundry management

Building of the former foundry management

Published: 12.09.2011

Mitręgi 4


Plots Nos. 296 and 297 of the total surface area of 0.2506 ha shall be sold and developed jointly. They constitute the property of the State Treasury, and the subject of the sale is the right of perpetual usufruct of the ground, together with the ownership right to the building after the former Gliwice Steelworks, which is located within the territory of the plot No. 296.

The building consists of two parts, a higher three-storeyed one adjacent to Mitregi street and a lower two-storeyed one adjacent to Piwna street (the total surface area: 4055 m2, usable surface area 3074 m2).

The intended use of the properties is various services, inclusive of office and administrative facilities. The plots have irregular shapes, they neighbour on the grounds belonging to Focus Gliwice sp. z o.o.