Zameczek Leśny

Published: 24.05.2011



A complex of real estates consisting of: the plot No. 395 and the plot No 70, with a building of the so-called “Zameczek Leśny” - the plot No. 69 with warehouses, an office building, a workshop, - the plot No. 74 – undeveloped, - a part of the plot No. 22/2 – comprising forest areas, at present the division procedure is in progress. The surface area of the complex after the division will equal ca. 5.00 ha. The plots No. 69, 70, 74, 395 located in the district of Żorek and a separated part of the plot No. 22/2, are specified in the local spatial development plan as areas of various services and organized greenery with a possibility to locate car parks. Pursuant to the resolution No. XXXVIII/1124/2010 of the Municipal Council in Gliwice dated 23 September 2010, these grounds can be used to locate a casino. The complex in question is intended to be the subject of the right of perpetual usufruct, with the transfer of the ownership rights to the buildings.