Education and Business Centre “New Gliwice”

Education and Business Centre “New Gliwice”

Published: 24.05.2011

ul. Bojkowska 37


Gliwice has been gradually changing its image, it supports the development of high technologies and innovative companies. A good sign of such transformations is “New Gliwice”. A closed down mine located at Bojkowska street has been replaced with educational and business support structures, and the old buildings have been carefully restored. For EUR 24 million (out of which EUR 9.5 million was obtained from the European Union funds) the city revitalized the degraded territory and adjusted it to totally new functions.

The restored building of a former pithead building holds the seat of the Gliwice School of Entrepreneurship, a college focusing on economic sciences, humanities and arts. The Gliwice School of Entrepreneurship conducts courses educating in the following majors: Economics, Pedagogy, Design and Philology, in the stationary and non-stationary system. On 31 August 2005 the college was added to the list of non-state professional colleges by the Minister of National Education and Sports. The educational base is complemented by the University of the Third Age, which organizes lectures for its students here.

For small and medium enterprises a business zone has been established in “New Gliwice”. The city offers support for companies from the SME sector, but in return there are some conditions to be fulfilled – they must conduct business activities in the sector of high technologies.


seat of the Gliwice School of Entrepreneurship Gliwice School of Entrepreneurship Gliwice School of Entrepreneurship Gliwice School of Entrepreneurship New Incubator of New Gliwice Museum in Gliwice – Artistic Casting Department Education and Business Centre “New Gliwice”